CCF Small Groups

Small Groups

Love One Another with Brotherly Affection; Outdo One Another in Showing Honor. 

As CCF has grown over the past few years, we have incorporated small groups into the rhythm of our church life. Running from August through May (the school year), our small groups will meet at least once a month in various locations. These groups have become one of the essential ways that we carry out all of the "one another" passages in Scripture, such as pray for one another, bear one another's burdens, care for one another, etc. 
Though you can join at any time, each summer we rearrange our groups and hold sign ups to intentionally keep them small. You can join a group based on location or proximity, or you can find a group that will be hosting a study that interests you. This information is made available in July for the upcoming school year. Of course, we encourage the whole family to attend, including children.