I'm New

We Would Love for You to Visit!

Visiting a new church can be scary - especially a small church. But, we would absolutely be delighted to have you and your family join us this Sunday. Here are a few things that we hope will be helpful as you plan your visit. 

Preaching/ Service

CCF strives to be thoughtful about our liturgy (or, order of service). First, we welcome each other and share prayer concerns. This is followed by our call to worship and prayer of confession. After worshipping through song, the Word of God is read aloud and then expounded. We close by singing the Doxology & reading a benediction from Scripture.

Our Environment

We are a small country church with attendance around 100 or less. We are very casual, so come as you are. Children and babies are always welcome in the service and are never a distraction. However, we do offer a cry room with a livestream of the service as well. From your first visit, we hope you feel welcomed and loved. 

Music & Worship

We sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs - all of which are congregational. While some songs are modern and some are historic, we choose to focus on the content more than the style. We always encourage anyone with musical talents to join in and use your gifts to the glory of God. 

Helpful Resources

We offer WIFI for those who prefer to read their Bible on their phone or tablet. The password is Salvation. Also, download our app and keep up to date on church activities, announcements, and media.